On the latest episode of Happy & Healthy, (video below) Nira Berry has special guest Rochelle Sobel, the Founder & President of the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT). Rochelle has a passion for road safety, born in response to her son Aron’s death in a 1995 in a bus crash in Turkey. Aron, a twenty-five year old medical student, and 22 other passengers were killed in that crash.
In honor of Aron and countless loved ones lost, countries around the world will call attention to the high number of deaths and injuries on the world’s roads and highlight actions and initiatives that can dramatically reduce these senseless tragedies during Global Road Safety Week, May 17-23.
Learn more about Global Road Safety Week
As part of UN Global Road Safety Week, ASIRT will hold a local events throughout Montgomery County, on Sunday, May 23 at 2:00pm. Community members will join together at the corner of Seven Locks Road and Gainsborough Road to call attention to this dangerous intersection and advocate for life-saving improvements. This intersection is one of the many dangerous intersections in Montgomery County, Maryland where simultaneous events will take place.
The first event will begin at 1:00pm at the bus stop at Georgia Avenue and Regina Drive and at the bus stop at Georgia Avenue and Rippling Brook Drive where representatives of MCCPTA, ASIRT and concerned citizens will participate in a ghost shoes memorial marking several tragic crashes resulting in deaths along this route.
- Georgia Avenue and Regina Drive
- Georgia Avenue and Rippling Brook Drive
- Route 355 and Shakespeare Boulevard
- Route 355 and Middlebrook Road
- East-West Highway and Montgomery Avenue
- Seven Locks Road and Gainsborough Road
- Georgia Avenue and University Boulevard
Veirs Mill
- Macon Road and Ashley Drive
- Dewey Road and Olden Road
By participating in UN Global Road Safety Week, we are working together to garner political commitments at national and local levels and to generate support for lower speed measures to create safe, healthy, green and livable cities. We are bringing a united message to demand “streets for life.”
Montgomery County is one of the first county governments in the United States to initiate a Vision Zero plan. The County has put resources in place to eliminate serious and fatal collisions on County roads for vehicle occupants (drivers and passengers), pedestrians, and bicyclists by the end of 2030.
To reach the goal of zero serious and fatal collisions by 2030, the Action Plan lays out specific activities with deadlines for implementation. All action items are built around five key action areas: Engineering; Enforcement; Education and Training; Traffic Incident Management; and Law, Policy, and Advocacy.
Download the current action plan and read prior 2018-19 and 2020 Action Plans and Supporting Data Analysis supplement. An interactive version of the data analysis is also available to view.
To learn more visit: ASIRT.org/MontgomeryCountyMD.gov/VisionZero/VisionZero/RoadSafetyNGOS.org