On the latest episode of Cherryblossom Yoga, Yoga Instructor Robin Dinerman walks viewers through a series of movements to help them walk properly and maintain good posture.
Robin says you should walk from your “hara.” Located in the center of the abdomen, referred to as the hara, reside the organs that give us life. In their center we find the navel, the Chinese acupuncture point CV 8 Shen Que, Spirit Gate, that refers to the place where we received that life from our mother by way of the umbilical cord. As such, these areas are the focal point of energy in our body from which life is given, sustained, and taken away. The hara is not just an anatomical location but as the Dan Tian or center of the energy of our body we gain our core physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual health, for in many ways we are as healthy and as calm, centered and peaceful as the hara.
With Robin’s help, you will learn to walk from your hara and maintain good posture and also how to prevent joint pain, through this series of exercises that can be done on the floor or in a chair.
Bonus: Robin walks viewer through the best way to get up from the floor to a standing position easily without the need for assistance.