On Episode #2 of MMCTV’s newest show, Solutions, is the local nonprofit So What Else. During the program, host Cheryl Hawkins is joined by Dave Silbert, the Co-Founder and Executive Director and Valeria Fuentes, the Director of Youth Programs for So What Else. The organization’s mission is to improve the lives of children and families living in underserved communities in the Baltimore-Washington Metro Area by providing food security, access to basic necessities, and high-quality out-of-school programs for students.
So What Else offers Summer Camps and After School programs providing a space for children to grow, learn, and explore in a safe and socially emotionally supportive environment. They provide a wide arrange of educational and recreational programming under the four main pillars of their program:
Expressive Arts – Studio art, theatre, dance
Healthy Living – Cooking, yoga, gardening
Sports & Recreation – Games, team sports, and playtime
The Big Idea – Activism, entrepreneurship, teamwork
They also recently opened the Montgomery County Pantry and Thrift Store in North Bethesda, which is one of the largest food distribution centers in the State of Maryland. Through the new pantry and indoor thrift store, the home deliveries program, and the many pop-up distributions they host across the DMV, So What Else Montgomery County has plenty of ways to connect those in need with the necessary resources.
So whether you are interested in volunteering with So What Else or in need of assistance reach out to them at SoWhatElse.org.