James Sutton, host of Road To Recovery is celebrating choice with sobar* founder Beth Harbinson. Sobar is Raising The “Bar” on Non-Alcoholic Beverages, that’s Zero Alcohol. They envision an environment where the stigma of alcoholism, addiction, mental illness and not drinking alcohol is eliminated. By providing a variety of sophisticated non-alcoholic beverages to consumers and hosting alcohol-free bars and events Beth is working towards sobar* events will being the norm and not the exception.
Drinking is always associated with celebration and partying, but it doesn’t have to be alcohol centered. sobar* is a support for people in recovery, especially the first 18 months when your brain is healing. Not only is sobar* great for them, but people who don’t drink because of religion, medication, or a healthy lifestyle.
sobar* also helps with sponsorships for people in recovery to be able to attend events for Oktsobarfest or the New Year’s Eve party and provide a dry event were people in recovery can attend for free. Also, when the pandemic started and people in recovery were isolated at home, sobar in a box was invented and now there are many delicious drinks available online for anyone to have a healthy, tasty beverage. Cheers!
To learn more about sobar* visit DrinkSobar.org.
Watch this episode of Road to Recovery below, or on MMC’s YouTube channel and subscribe!