Host of Stories In Time At Home, Ellouise Schoettler recalls a story she heard from North Carolina where she and this family is from. This family like many had quilts that represented the people in their family. One woman of this family was born in a small house on a stormy evening were the lightning electrified the dark skies and the thunder struck with bolts deep in bass. Maybe because of this ominous setting, she grew up finding herself needing to be cautious and staying safe. She wouldn’t do anything to endanger herself. Like most she made quilts to represent her family. These quilts were made from cloths of people in her own family to be given to her and her husband’s children when she was to pass. Traditional like any other family heirloom, but her husband was not to see this promise kept. On this Halloween weekend watch and listen to this story to discovery who has the quilts now.
Happy Halloween!
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