Check out what some Montgomery County residents had to say at the Community Conversation with Montgomery County Councilmembers. We would like to hear from you about your experiences and views, send your videos to For more information or to download the Racial Equity and Social Justice Community Engagement TOOLKIT click here.
County leaders are in the process of creating a Racial Equity and Social Justice Policy for Montgomery County. This process began in 2018 with a Montgomery County Council resolution, which was spearheaded by Council President Nancy Navarro and co-sponsored by County Executive Marc Elrich.
Community engagement is essential in this process. Engaging in conversations about racial equity and social justice can be uncomfortable, but leaders need your help to create a Racial Equity and Social Justice Policy that is truly impactful. County leaders need your thoughts about how we can build an even better and stronger Montgomery County that meets the needs of all residents.
Community members and organizations are encouraged to host community conversations on racial equity with their friends, neighbors and colleagues and to report their findings back using a survey tool. These structured conversations can take place in homes, community centers, houses of worship, coffee shops, parks or any place you feel comfortable. Some guiding questions for the conversation include:
- Why does racial equity matter?
- Are you impacted by racial inequity?
- What changes do you want to see to promote racial equity and social justice?
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