Preventing the Flu is always important, but this year it is crucial because so many healthcare resources are being utilized to treat patients with Covid-19. Patients who reduce their chances of catching the flu and eliminate the need to seek medical treatment by getting their FLU SHOT, are doing their part to conserve these limited resources. Call your Physician or visit
Host of Housecall Dr. David Doman has guest Dr. Annette Pham, President of the Montgomery County, MD Medical Society (MCMS). Dr. Pham discuss the difference of the MCMS, which is on the local level and is a component society of The Maryland State Medical Society (MedChi). The American Medical Association (AMA) is on the national level and all three work to coordinate and effectively communicate to advocate for their patients. Advocating at a local and state level is exactly what was the response to Covid-19. Dr. Pham explains that state and local governments were needed to respond since there was no National level. Large groups like MCMS took action and initially responded by conserving resources and then deciding to shut down. The state and local governments have collectively networked together and are in communication with each other in order to service whatever needs occur for their patients.
Dr. Pham shares results of a local survey of doctors in Montgomery County asking how they have been effected by Covid-19 thus far. She shares what she believes will be the evolution of Covid-19 as it shapes the healthcare industry. How will Covid-19 continue to effect the medical landscape? What we already see changing is the practice of medicine within ones car or with a minimal amount of people in their doctors office. Allowing social distancing and not having patients congregate, protects everyone. Physician practices are doing everything possible to make their offices safe, clean, and all protocols are compliant with the CDC Guidelines. Dr. Pham says doctors attested to the Maryland Department of Health that if they opened up their practices they would adhere to those guidelines. She ask that people not delay regular checkups or doctor visits. We don’t want to overload the medical industry at once during a pandemic because everyone waited to get their annual Flu Shot!
Another major change is a rise in Telemedicine, which comes with its advantages and disadvantages. It can be a direct video chat or an interaction through a portal. The access is the biggest benefit for everyone staying at home. The technology aspect varies depending on where you live and your availability to the internet. Telemedicine comes with great benefits when examination is not needed. Concerns of the medical community is Mental Health. Dr. Pham has lots of resources that anyone may need at any point in life. Everyone needs to make sure to take care of their mental health.