No importa el estado migratorio si desea abrir un negocio.Para abrir un negocio se necesita una gran motivación y convicción. Necesita tener una idea clara de su negocio y estar preparado. Establezca sus servicios y / o productos, tenga un cronograma, conozca a su cliente y sus necesidades, conozca el mercado en el que competirá su negocio y la ubicación de su negocio. Además, se necesita un buen historial de crédito, garantías y una buena relación con el banco para recibir un préstamo sustancial con tasas de interés bajas. Obtener la certificación o la licencia es extremadamente importante,Todo esto debe tenerse en cuenta si desea abrir un negocio. Las personas que se lanzan y no se preparan terminan sin negocio. Debe estar informado sobre los clientes y el mercado al que atenderá su empresa.
Otro factor importante con el que ayuda MDSBDC es una comunidad empresarial donde encontrará clientes, para que pueda tener un negocio abierto, uno con clientes que pagan. Necesita una red que lo ayude a lo largo de este viaje porque desea que su negocio sea duradero. MDSBDC tiene relaciones con casi todos los bancos en el área y personas de habla hispana para referirlo y recibir asistencia. También pueden referirlo a otras personas de negocios que necesitará, como contables o agentes de seguros.
La pandemia ha creado un entorno catastrófico y las empresas se han enfrentado a situaciones muy difíciles. La industria de la restauración ha sido la más eficaz. Las empresas que actuaron rápido, se reinventaron o expandieron su plan de negocios para adaptarse al nuevo mercado se han beneficiado y han prosperado. La asistencia del gobierno, MDSBDC y nuestra red ha sido crucial para la supervivencia de las pequeñas empresas en el condado de Montgomery.

If you need help starting, growing, or managing your business MDSBDC can help with free programs! Si necesita ayuda para iniciar, hacer crecer o administrar su negocio, MDSBDC puede ayudarlo con programas gratuitos.
Betty Valdés continues her series on this episode of Qué Pasa with the Maryland Small Business Development Center (MDSBDC) and the free programs they offer to small business owners and entrepreneurs. Marisela Villamil, MDSBDC Senior Business Consultant is perfect to advise these business owners who want to improve their business, modify their company and make improvements for the better. Many people come to this country with the American Dream, to own their own business, Marisela and the MDSBDC team can give people with this dream the encouragement, knowledge and support they need to be successful. Associated with the University of Maryland, MDSBDC centers support small business development in Maryland. These services are FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and the training is in Spanish. All you need to do is register to be a customer and fill out a form to get your general information. Then you would make an appointment with Marisela or another competent counselor in one of the many different specialties to understand your needs. You can call 301.802.1963 or send an email to
Immigration status does not matter if you want to open a business.
To open a business you need great motivation and conviction. You need to have a clear idea of your business and be prepared. Establish your services and / or products, have a schedule, know your customer and their needs, know the market in which your business will compete and the location of your business. Also, you need a good credit history, collateral, and a good relationship with the bank to receive a substantial loan with low interest rates. Getting certified or licensed is extremely important, which is why you are running a legitimate business. All of this must be taken into account if you want to open a business. People who jump in and don’t prepare end up out of business. You must be informed about the customers and the market that your company will serve.
Another important factor that MDSBDC helps with is a business community where you will find customers, so you can have an open business, one with paying customers. You need a network to help you along this journey because you want your business to last. MDSBDC has relationships with almost every bank in the area and Spanish-speaking people for referral and assistance. They can also refer you to other business people you will need, such as accountants or insurance agents.
The pandemic has created a catastrophic environment and companies have faced very difficult situations. The catering industry has been the most efficient. Companies that acted fast, reinvented themselves, or expanded their business plan to adapt to the new market have benefited and prospered. Assistance from the government, MDSBDC, and our network has been crucial to the survival of small businesses in Montgomery County.
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