On this episode of Think About It, host Sylvia Henderson talks with Communications Expert, Robyn Hatcher about ActorTypes, a communication styles and types, fun way of looking at yourself. You can envision it better by recognizing it immediately from the names and can instantly personalize it, feel it since communication is all about emotion and feeling. How can you connect who it is that you are with another, through the emotions and feelings of it. People won’t remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.
As a leader you need to know who you are and show your strengths. You need to know your team, you need to know how best to communicate with them to get the most out of your team, and there is not just one way to do it. Hatcher’s book Standing Ovation Presentations uses a uniquely entertaining approach to identify nine “ActorType” communication styles; then shares creative strategies on body language, vocal tone and content to help readers polish their individual style and learn to let it shine.
There are 9 ActorTypes, 4 Primary that you see most often, the other 5 are less prevalent.
- Hero – Charismatic, charmer
- Whiz Kid – Data driven
- Buddy – All about relationships and being liked
- Super Hero – Take charge, loves to get things done, loves results, and loves to fix problems, also high energy
- Agnew – French for innocent, optimistic, positive, sweet
- Super Model – Very visual oriented, likes to look good and likes new things
- Curmudgeon – sore puss, strong opinion, don’t care
- Comic – Concerned with getting laughs
- Villain – Dry witted, focused, egotistical, demanding
First you need to answer what Actortype the person is? Then discover what your team types are? What needs are for each type and what triggers are for each type? Finally, shape communication for each type.
There is no right or wrong Actortype to any one job. If y0u want to be a leader, you need to be able to shift your communication with everyone. When working with anyone, always start off with their personal bond, that has a lot to do with the Actortype and all the qualities they have. Where does it come from? Is it natural? Is it connected to someone? Is it effective and working for you? Remember you don’t always need to be the one who morphs to communicate.
Visit RobynHatcher.com, under the Resource Tab, Take the Quiz, it’s 9 questions. It gives you a report and you will see where all your Actortypes fall.
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