Women and Minority Business Professionals Look at this New Invaluable Resource for people just getting started with a business. Check out, The Envoy , this publication is a free guide to business owners who need business resources. The Digital and Print magazine is providing a platform to discuss their business’ and products. In back there is a directory of businesses in your area and throughout the United States, Networking is essential. The Publisher of The Envoy is this weeks Pick Yourself Up guest, Yvette Freeman. The Envoy will guide business owners to set up a business with all the necessary actions involved. Small Business Owners lacking information with legal issues find resources here. You do need to be a minority, female, or veteran to receive help.
The character on the TV show UltraCarlon known as The Last Envoy represented someone being able to keep ones memories and personality. Meant to pass on information considering the importance of generational wealth to a minority. A LifeTime of People in Various Fields in one Publication is the vision Yvette has for The Envoy.
Visit TheEnvoyGuide.com to subscribed to the magazine or if you want to contribute content or be a potential interview. Watch this episode of Pick Yourself Up below on MMC’s YouTube channel and subscribe!