Think About It host, Sylvia Henderson is exploring Productivity on this episode with guest Valari Jackson a Speaker and Productivity Coach from Fierce Focus Strategies. According to Jackson we need to learn to be productive. Society rewards us for looking busy and we war it like a badge of honor. Productivity has principals and once you learn the principals then we can be consistent with being productive and not just busy.
There are 9 Principals of Productivity. Here’s one…Look at the roles you play first and understanding that those roles are what create the competing responsibilities.
People always say, “I can’t say no. I have a hard time saying no.” What they don’t realize is they are saying “no” all the time, to yourself. You are neglecting yourself care and you need to remember to take care you yourself first.
How Can We Very Productive in our 24 Hour Day?
Have A Will Do List Not A To Do List. Will Do is Absolute.
Know what the most important things are and do things only we can do. We are often doing someone else’s job.
Remember that tools don’t make us more productive the Process and Principles does. Tools are just that, Tools!
The cost to being disorganized and busy are time, money, and how it effects you.
How Do We Manage Our Time To Be More Productive?
We can’t manage time. We need to learn to manage our energy and how it is associated with time. Just like day light and dark. You can be very productive in you 24 hour day by understanding how your energy works.
Working in smaller blocks of time could help most personality types, but you need to make a commitment to not allow interruptions during this time.
To learn more about Valari Jackson and being Productive visit
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