On this episode of Housecall with Dr. David Doman he has guest Dr. Evan Siegel, a Rheumatologist at Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates to discuss Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of broken bones (fractures).
After diagnose, some non-pharmacologic treatment that can be prescribed for osteoporosis are :
• Calcium/vitamin D (1200mg/2000IU daily)
• Regular exercise (Bone Builders)
• Limit alcohol and caffeine intake
• Smoking cessation
• Fall prevention
They key elements to prevent and treat osteoporosis are Exercise – Calcium – Vitamin D.
Learn more at https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/osteoporosis.htm or from Dr. Siegel’s practice at https://arapc.com/