Fanny Crawford is joining host of Stories in Time from Home, Ellouise Schoettler to share about Storytelling during Covid-19. Today there are so many different genres of stories that are popular like: Open Mic, Personal Stories, Shock Stories, Fairytales, Folktales, and Historical Portrayals. Storytellers have become more flexible during 2020 and are telling what is required, even thou they have always picked what they share. That’s not what surprises Fanny, instead she is amazed by how much people value stories lately. There is a lot more interest in hearing other people’s challenges and suffering because it puts your own in perspective.
Fanny Crawford was also surprised about Hagerstown’s interest in storytelling as a way to unit the community. They asked her to create stories to tell at Imagine Hagerstown Festival next summer. They just wanted her to focus on the Arts & Entertainment district. Fanny decided to interview people who live and work in the 4 or 5 block area, then take that persons story, interpret it, and tell it as that person. These are very personal stories with deep emotional attachments and even some stories have never even been told. She feels that she has been trusted with a great responsibility. Watch as Fanny Crawford tells a story that she created about a woman named Zunni who is a Diversity Advocate and has been listening to her ancestors for years. Her one ancestors was enslaved at Mt. Vernon as a house servant to George and Martha Washington. Watch below to see and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

The Maryland Theatre is a music and entertainment venue located in the Arts and Entertainment District of downtown Hagerstown, Maryland.