This episode of Housecall has a special guest Melissa Doman, MA who is an Organizational Psychologist, Former Mental Health Therapist, and Author of Yes, You Can Talk About Mental Health at Work: Here’s Why…and How to Do it Really Well. It is a how to guide for talking about Mental Health in the Workplace. It is a realistic playbook that looks at perceptions and obstacles of even getting to talking about Mental Health. Managers who are uncomfortable covering Mental Illness don’t need a degree. Checking on how someone is feeling is a skill set to be developed in todays workplace.
Host Dr. David Doman welcomes his daughter to the show once again to discuss Mental Health. Think of Mental Health as the Baseline for your Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Functioning. The brain is just like any other organ it has a healthy, stressed, and illness state. The brain likes to have a variety of experiences, when you are not your brain will shrink your hippocampus, which is connected to memory. This is called Languishing or Pandemic Brain.
Mental Illness is a Diagnosable Condition that impacts your Cognitive Functioning, Behavior, and your Interaction with people and your environment. It impacts Daily Functioning, and you have a certain number of symptoms happening at the same time for a duration of time to meet the diagnostic criteria.
The State of Mental Health in the United States is declining each passing year. The CDC reported that a year ago in June 2019-June 2020 the rates of Clinical Anxiety and Depression Quadrupled in the United States. Globally 1 in 4 people have a diagnosed Mental Health Condition.
If you share about your mental health, do it with a purpose. Tell them why you are telling them and what you want them to do with the information.
For more information about Mental Health at Work visit
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