On April 1, 2020, Dr. David Doman spoke with James C. Bridgers, Jr., PhD, MBA, the Deputy Health Officer for the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services to discuss an update on COVID-19 for Montgomery County residents. During the interview they provide the most up-to-date numbers for cases in the county, symptoms and preventative measures as well as an update on how prepared the county and local hopsitals are for this pandemic. The program will air on Montgomery Municipal Cable (MMC)- Channel 16 in Montgomery County on Comcast, Verizon and RCN. You can tune in to watch the interview on the following dates/times:
The show will also be streamed live on our website during these times or you can view the program on-demand on our YouTube channel.
MMC hopes all residents stay home, stay safe and stay well during this pandemic. We will continue to bring Montgomery County residents updates through our website and social media. We are all in this together!
Confirmed Cases as of 4/2/2020
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